Monday, November 27, 2006

Good, Bad & Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-derived substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to: Build & maintaine cell membranes; breakdown carbohydrates & proteins; help produce hormones; produce bile; insulate nerves.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholestrerol aka "bad" cholesterol transports cholestrerol from the liver to various tissues, including blood vessels.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol aka "good" one because high levels will protect against heart attack.

The only way to check your cholestrerol level is to get your doctor to test sample of your blood for a lipid profile test after you have fasted for 9~12 hours.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Can you Stomach it!

Sometimes our stressful lifestle can cause stomach discomfort.
When we are busy, anxious, depressed or simply stressed, our eating habits will be affected;
we overeat/we lose our appetite/we eat too quickly/ we binge on certain foods such as chocolates, spicy food, greasy food/ we eat irregularly/ we consume too much caffeine or alcohol. The SYMPTONS are indigestion, stomach ache, flatulance, vomiting, poor appetite. Try remedies with Cinnamon Bark which is known to aid digestion, relieves nausea & bloating.

Friday, November 17, 2006

What is a A Balanced Diet?

FATS: 1-2 servings daily. Eat more monosaturated fats such olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola. Less of animal fat.
PROTEIN: 2-3 servings daily. Eat more cold water fish such as cod, mackeral & salmon, and legumes. Eat less red meat.
MICRONUTRIENTS: 3-5 servings daily. Eat a variety of colourful vegetables & fruits. Eat less cooked veggies.
CARBOHYDRATES: 8-12 servings daily. Eat more brown rice, pasta, whole grain bread & cereal. Eat less white bread.
Note: 1 serving size is equivalent to a tennis ball.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

5 Easy Ways To Cut Down Fat!

1. Eat less of or eliminate fat such as butter & margerine.
2. Choose extra-lean cuts of meat & trim off visible fat.
3. Replace rich salad dressings (mayonnaise & salad cream) with fat-free vinaigrettes.

4. Think baked & boiled instead of fried or roasted dishes.

5. Always roast or grill meat on a rack so that the at can "escape".

International Women - Wellness & Lifestyle 2006

Exhibition on Fitness, Healthcare, Beauty & Lifestyle for Women.

Venue: Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 8~10 December 2006.

Great Ideas!Great Promotions! Great Savings!
All Under One Roof!
For more info, visit

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Great Close-Up of the Abdomen!


Every time you are craving a snack, go through this mental checklist;
- Am I really hungry?
- How am I feeling?
- Why do I want to eat?
- How will I feel if I do eat this?
- Will I regret eating this?

If you still feel all right about going ahead, then do so.
Atleast this way, you have consciously made the decision to eat, and are therefore taking responsibility for doing it!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Human Muscle Posterior ("Click" on photo to enlarge)

Human Muscle Anterior (CLICK on picture to enlarge)

Joys of Exercise - Before & After

Increased muscle strength & endurance, or trade-in baggy overalls for tight fitting ones.
Increased cardiorespiratory efficiency, or no more huffing & puffing up stairs.
Decreased risk of coronary heart disease, or save on future mdeical bills.
Reduced level of obesity, or goodbye to Micheline Man & other unwanted blubbary bits.
Delay of physiological ageing effects, or ask someone to ask your age without cringeing.
Reduced stress level, or enjoy "happy hour" all day long.
Increased self-confidence, or banish the word "can't" from your dictionary forever.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

"Pulled Tea" or Teh Tarik to the Locals

Teh Tarik (MYR1.20)

weight: 200ml, calories: 154 kcal, fat content: 35%

Caffe Latte with whole milk (MYR8.00)

weight: 12 ounces, calories: 210 kcal, fat content: 47%

Seafood Special vs Asian Noodle

Spaghetti Marinara:

Weight: 473g / Calories: 490 kcal / Fat Content: 11%

Mee Goreng:

Weight: 325g / Calories: 598 kcal /Fat Content: 44%

In The Blue Corner, weighing.......

10 Beef Satay Sticks (peanut sauce excluded):
Weight: 150g
Calories: 360 kcal
Fat Content: 29%
Beef Burger:
Weight: 180g
Calories: 427 kcal
Fat Content: 42%