Friday, September 22, 2006

E-book Fitness Diary Available

E-book contents:-

  • Personal Fitness Diary and keep track of your workout.

  • Calorie Tables for ASIAN dishes.

  • How to set your fitness goals.

  • Essential exercise tips.

For enquiries, please email to

Subang Jaya 10km Run, 05-Nov-2006

The Categories: Give your lungs a good workout by taking part in one of the following categories,

  1. 10km men's & women's open (18yrs & above)

  2. 7km men's junior veterans (40~50yrs) & mebn's senior veterans (50rs & abv)

  3. Women's veterans (35rs & abv)

  4. Boys & Girls (13~18yrs)

  5. Men's & Women's special (wheelchair participants only)

  6. 5km men's & women's special (non-wheelchair participants)

  7. 3km Fun Run (adults & children)

The Organisers: MPSJ, The Star & Selangor Amateur Athletics Association.

The Place: Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ).

Entry Forms: Available at MPSJ by closing date 21st October 2006.

The Prizes (if you need): Lucky draw, fancy dress, oldest participant.

Monday, September 18, 2006


  • To clean TOXINS in body & blood >> Juice Green Apple & Wheat grass

  • To detoxify LIVER >>Juice Green Apple & Barley

  • To regulate BODY HEAT >> Juice Green Apple & Star Fruit

  • To reduce FATIGUE >> Juice Green Apple & Carrot

  • To quench THIRST >> Green Apple & Bitter Gourd

  • To reduce BLOOD PRESSURE >> Green Apple & Celery

  • Prevent CONSTIPATION & GASTRIC >>Green Apple & Potato

  • Cure MOUTH ULCERS >> Green Apple + Cos Lettuce

  • Beautify SKIN >> Tomato & Honey

Saturday, September 09, 2006

7 Habits of Effective Fitness Training

  1. Set yourself challenging, realistic and measurable fitness goals. Don't kick yourself if you fail initially: It takes time to achieve lasting results. Be specific on your fitness goals and give yourself a reasonable time frame to complete your tasks.

  2. Make exercise an integral part of your lifestyle and soon you will see and feel the positive effects of exercise on your life such as improved health, greater confidence and greater physique.

  3. Exercise moderately amd more frequent instead of at high intensity and less frequent.

  4. Vary the intensity and sequence of your workout occassionally to avoid being in the plateau of the comfort zone.

  5. Add variety to your workout and gain the varying positive effects derived from different kinds of exercises such as indoor/outdoor running, strength training, racket sports, gym ball, team sports. Be an all-rounder.

  6. Recruit your family and friends to join your workout, and share the joys of exercise with your nearest & dearest.

  7. Follow the "7 Habits of Effective Weight Watching".

Thursday, September 07, 2006

7 Habits of Effective Weight Watching

  1. Never skip breakfast. Coffee alone is not enough. Eat a bowl of cereal or oats in the morning to jumpstart your metabolic rate.

  2. Lunch should be your biggest meal of the day as you still have half-a-day to go.

  3. Dinner should NOT be your biggest meal as you are not as active at night. Eat a reasonable portion, and do not eat later than 3 hours before bed.

  4. Always eat a balanced and nutricious meal. Eat generous amounts of varied vegetables and fruits daily.

  5. Limit sugar intake, and bake, boil, poach, broil or steam your food instead of frying them.

  6. Brink atleast 5 litres of water daily. Drink more if you are exercising or taking coffee.

  7. Follow the "7 Habits of Effective Physical Fitness Training".

Monday, September 04, 2006


Yes, beer don't mix with exercise and vice-versa. However, there are also beer-lovers who exercise regularly.
To this group of people, Fitness Buddy says:-

  • Beer is the most energy-filled drink which means you got to run for 15 minutes to burn-off just one can of beer (about 150 kcal). You need to boost your cardio workout before them sugars convert to tyre around the waist.

  • Beer, like coffee has a dehydrating effect on your body, so drink lots of water before you sleep after a nite out to avoid lips as dry as a camel's ass in a sandstorm (the morning after).

  • It takes 48 hours for toxins from beer to pass through the human body.

  • If you are a daily beer drinker over 40yrs old, go for detoxification once every 6 months. Hey, you only have 1 liver, so make it count.

  • If you are a heavy beer drinker with a baby, save a stem cell from your infant as you might need it later to grow a new liver.

  • I don't care how long you have been married, the wife truly loathes hanging-out with a 6-months pregnant looking inactive hubby tubby. Even more true for those wives who first fell in love with a flat tummy guy who later picked-up the excess lard after 10 years of marriage. Be fair, love is blind but not brain dead.
