Friday, September 22, 2006

Subang Jaya 10km Run, 05-Nov-2006

The Categories: Give your lungs a good workout by taking part in one of the following categories,

  1. 10km men's & women's open (18yrs & above)

  2. 7km men's junior veterans (40~50yrs) & mebn's senior veterans (50rs & abv)

  3. Women's veterans (35rs & abv)

  4. Boys & Girls (13~18yrs)

  5. Men's & Women's special (wheelchair participants only)

  6. 5km men's & women's special (non-wheelchair participants)

  7. 3km Fun Run (adults & children)

The Organisers: MPSJ, The Star & Selangor Amateur Athletics Association.

The Place: Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ).

Entry Forms: Available at MPSJ by closing date 21st October 2006.

The Prizes (if you need): Lucky draw, fancy dress, oldest participant.

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